RCV Clips

Ranked Choice Voting Resource Center

Everything you ever wanted to know about ranked choice voting from drafting legislation to election certification.


RCV Clips

RCV Clips is the Ranked Choice Voting Resource Center's monthly podcast. We cover ranked choice voting (RCV) election administration topics ranging from drafting legislation to election certification. We conduct interviews with our staff, election administrators who have run RCV elections, and other professionals to tell us about the resources available through RCVRC and best practices learned from running RCV elections. The podcast is available anywhere you get podcasts.

Featured Guests

Where To Start

Celebrating the Country's First RCV Risk-Limiting Audit with Stephanie Gnoza

This month, we're joined by Stephanie Gnoza, Boulder County's Elections Director, to discuss the first ever risk-limiting audit of a ranked choice voting election! Stephanie breaks down what a risk-limiting audit is, and the steps that Boulder took to pull off this landmark achievement in election security.

Elections in Maine: Reflecting on Five Years of Ranked Choice Voting

In today’s episode, Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows discusses protecting the win in Maine (ME), handling continuing education of elections and ranked choice voting (RCV), fighting against efforts to repeal RCV in ME, and looking ahead to RCV in 2024. Tune in to learn more!

What Happened in Alaska's Special Primary Election?

In today’s episode, Jason Grenn, Executive Director of Alaskans for Better Elections, will discuss the results of Alaska’s special primary election and the upcoming special general election and regularly scheduled primary in August.

Meet The Hosts

Chris Hughes

Senior Director of Policy and General Counsel

Chris Hughes is the Senior Director of Policy and General Counsel for the Ranked Choice Voting Resource Center. He has contributed to RCV legislation and regulation in more than twenty states, including laws passed in Maine, Utah, and Virginia, and assisted with ranked-choice voting implementations in dozens of jurisdictions, from Newton, Utah (population: 794) to New York City. Chris also co-produces the RCVRC's podcast, RCV Clips. You can follow him on Twitter @thisChrisHughes. Chris is admitted to practice law in the State of New York.

Kelly Sechrist

Senior Director of Advancement

Kelly Sechrist is the Senior Director of Advancement for the Ranked Choice Voting Resource Center. She has worked in nonprofits for many years, serving in some capacity as a volunteer, board member, or development staff member for over 28 years after teaching middle schoolers in Southern Appalachia. In addition to a BS in education from Appalachian State University, she holds a certificate in nonprofit management from Duke University. While new to election administration, she is not new to elections. Kelly served on several local and state election campaigns as a volunteer, including state senate campaigns in 2006, 2008, and 2010 where she served as the assistant campaign manager and public relations liaison. Kelly has spent the past three years learning about RCV reform and election administration. She lives with her family on the coast of North Carolina.

Where To Listen

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May 17, 2024
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Meet Kelly Sechrist from RCV Clips

We caught up with one of our hosts/producers Kelly Sechrist about the RCV Clips podcast, election administration, and all things ranked choice voting!

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Democracy Good News: The Role of Business in Democracy

The third episode of our Democracy’s Good News series takes us to New York City where we talk with American venture capitalist and author Patrick McGinnis.

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Meet the newest members of The Democracy Group

We're super excited to officially welcome three amazing shows to our network of incredible organizations and podcasts: Bad Watchdog, The Politics Guys, and RCV Clips!

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Democracy's Good News: When faith and civics meet to strengthen democracy

In the second episode of the Democracy's Good News series, we talk with religious organizations across the United States, namely the Habonim Dror Camp Galil, the Reform Congregation Oheb Sholom, and the Mormon Women for Ethical Government.

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