Giving a Voice to the Democracy Community

Discover and share the top political podcasts about democracy, civic engagement, and civil discourse.


Free guide: 5 ways to take action today!

Join our hundreds of subscribers and learn 5 ways you can take action as an everyday citizen to make democracy better!

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The Democracy Group is a network of podcasts and organizations that create educational content about democracy, civic engagement, and civil discourse. We aim to provide informative, educational content that can increase curiosity and empathy among our listeners and use our platform to share the good work of organizations that are taking action to strengthen democracy.


With Expert Guests

Learn how to take action

step 1: subscribe to our newsletter

Our bi-weekly newsletter delivers the latest episodes from across our network and information on how you can get involved with organizations working in civics education, media literacy, bridging divides, and more.

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step 2: take ouR media training

Part of our mission as a network is to share our expertise with others who want to use podcasts as a platform to make their voices heard and share the important work they’re doing. Our media training equips scholars and thought leaders in the democracy space with the tools they need to be engaging podcast guests.

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step 3: empower the next generation

Our student podcast fellowship gives high school and college students the opportunity to share their perspective on politics through podcasting. Have a listen and spread the word to helpthe next generation to have their voices heard!

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want to work together?

We’re proud to partner with organizations that are doing the hard work of democracy across the country. We love to work with leaders, brands and organizations to create content that attracts, empowers and activates audiences. Are you interested in a collaboration? Let’s chat.

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Learning Guide Image
June 27, 2024
min read

The Democracy Group’s 2024 summer reading list

Grab a drink and find a cozy spot because we’re bringing you a list of books you should read this summer!

Jessie Nguyen
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Learning Guide Image
June 19, 2024
min read

Celebrate Juneteenth with episodes on racial justice, political activism through Black history

Juneteenth signifies the end of a painful chapter of American history and reaffirms the nation’s commitment to racial justice and equality.

Jessie Nguyen
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Learning Guide Image
June 17, 2024
min read

An Honorable Profession restores faith in government, brings conversations beyond policy to The Democracy Group

An award-winning podcast by the NewDEAL, An Honorable Profession features rising stars in politics and some of the most influential thinkers in government and public policy.

Jessie Nguyen
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